Chapters Dialogue is a structured assessment of chapters needs, goals and stories combined with a stakeholder survey. It will not only allow us to reflect the status quo of our roles and relationships, but will enable us to actively shape them in the future.

Chapters Dialogue

To empower chapters to explore key issues in more meaningful detail, Wikimedia Deutschland initiated a project called Chapters Dialogue. Together with interested parties from within the movement, we would like to establish the facts by interviewing chapters about their current state of affairs, their feelings, needs and wishes, their goals, daily routine and their self-understanding within the Wikimedia movement as a whole. We are designing and conducting an extensive story-based research and we would like to interview as many chapters individually as possible. We will ask questions, listen closely, collect stories and try to gain insights or uncover patterns and contradictions. We will also consult with their key stakeholders and partners (Wikimedia Foundation, Affiliations Committee, Funds Dissemination Committee, Wikimedia Chapters Association and the project communities) to ask and understand their perspectives, expectations and hopes. It will not only allow us to reflect the status quo of our roles and relationships, but will enable us to actively shape them in the future.

Join us at Wikimania

Wikimania is an amazing occasion to meet many of the people we would like to interview - we are now preparing for the first interviews and scheduling them with the interviewees. Everybody can participate in this process by actively contributing questions to our questionnaire! We have created a first draft of our collection of questions and topics we would like to discuss with chapters and stakeholders on the talk page. If you have questions that should be asked all chapters (or stakeholders), please share them with us! We are welcoming all perspectives, topics of interest and ideas.

Pre-conference session

In addition, you can join us in our pre-conference session on Thursday at 10.00am-2.00 pm In this session we will:

  • introduce the project
  • outline our goals, methodology and process
  • present interview questions
  • host an open discussion round where you can provide feedback, add topics and questions to the questionnaire, contribute ideas for the process and exchange with other participants

This session addresses chapters, staff and board of the Wikimedia Foundation, members of the FDC, AffCom and WCA and of course everybody who is interested in the topic. Chapters can get directly in touch with us and arrange appointments for interviews (either during Wikimania or for our interview-tour that will take place from September to December).

Thematic meet-up

If you have missed the session, you can catch up in our thematic meet-up in room N114 on Saturday at 3.30 - 4.00 pm or just visit us in the Chapters Village where we will be present throughout the whole conference.

To sum up our planned activities, we will:

  • discuss and exchange with as many people as possible
  • collect feedback, ideas and inspiration
  • conduct the first stakeholder interviews
  • conduct at least three test-interviews with chapters
  • host a thematic meet-up in the Chapters Village on Saturday at 3.30 pm - 4.00 pm
  • host a Chapters Dialogue session at the pre-conference on Thursday at 10.00 am-2.00 pm

Come and join the discussion, contribute your knowledge and curiosity, engage, discuss, participate – we’re looking forward to meeting you!


Get in touch with us: either via the talk page or directly with Nicole Ebber (email) as the head of the International Affairs unit, Wikimedia Deutschland and Kira Kraemer (email), project manager for the Chapters Dialogue